Fall 2024
November 25th, 2024
Stop the Bleed Clinic
Cure Found and Alpha Epsilon Delta’s Stop the Bleed Event allowed members to learn an important skill for emergency preparedness. The training focused on teaching members how to recognize life-threatening bleeding and effectively intervene. Members successfully completed the training and received Stop The Bleed certificates from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma.

November 20th, 2024
Dr. Ryan Thomas M.D. - Journey to Pulmonary Medicine at MSU Cystic Fibrosis Center
Cure Found MSU’s faculty advisor, Dr. Thomas, hosted an informative meeting about his journey through medical school at Wayne State School of Medicine and his journey to becoming the head pulmonologist at MSU’s Cystic Fibrosis Center. He answered many questions about the rigor of medical school, speciality opportunities, and what CF care looks like in a clinical setting.
November 6th, 2024
Pulmonary Function and Triage Clinic
Theresa and Wendy, respiratory therapists from MSU’s Cystic Fibrosis Center, partnered with Cure Found to educate members on pulmonary function and chest physiotherapy, demonstrating the use of chest vests alongside spirometry, blood pressure, and heart rate monitoring. Additionally, Kent Clark, the CF Center’s dietitian, delivered an insightful presentation on the critical role of a balanced diet in managing Cystic Fibrosis. This collaboration with MSU’s Cystic Fibrosis Center allows us to provide valuable education on CF care, fostering greater awareness and understanding among our members.

October 29th, 2024
Guest Speaker - Dr. Ahmet Uluer, D.O., Harvard Medical School
Cure Found organized a meeting with Dr. Ahmet Uluer, D.O., a renowned pulmonologist affiliated with Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School hosted a presentation on his journey to becoming a pulmonologist. Dr. Uluer was able to answer many of our members’ questions on gaining an edge into medical school and finding a path that is right for them.
October 17th, 2024
Suture Clinic
Dr. Ali Shakir, M.D., Cardiologist/Electrophysiologist hosted a suture clinic where members learned simple interrupted suturing techniques along with insights into the field of Cardiology and Electrophysiology. With over 90 members registering for this event, the suture clinic is one of the most popular events this club hosts where pre-health students come together and learn an important skill necessary for future healthcare professionals.

October 3rd, 2024
Rick’s American Cafe Fundraiser
Cure Found organized a fundraiser at Rick’s American Cafe, running from 8:00 PM to 2:00 AM. The event successfully raised over $1,500 in donations. All proceeds will support Cure Found’s mission to raise awareness of Cystic Fibrosis and provide premier medical opportunities for pre-health students
September 25th, 2024
Capes and Cards Volunteer Event
Cure Found hosted a Capes and Cards volunteer event at the Business College where students wrote messages of affirmation for CF kids. The cards and capes were donated to MSU’s Cystic Fibrosis Center.

September 11th, 2024
Cure Found Fall Kick-Off Meeting
Cure Found hosted the semester kick-off meeting where the E-Board team was introduced and guest speaker, Laura Bonnell, from The Bonnell Foundation joined us to talk about her daughters’ life with Cystic Fibrosis.
Join Us Today!
Cure Found is committed to offering top-tier pre-medical opportunities geared towards learning more about pulmonary medicine and Cystic Fibrosis.